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Sandcastle Waterpark

Blackpool, UK

Sandcastle Waterpark in Blackpool, hailed as the largest indoor waterpark in the UK, has upgraded it lockers to allow access via wristbands that use contactless NFC technology. Replacing the old coin-operated locks, the new networked system from GANTNER allows all lockers in the male, female and family changing areas, more than 1,200 lockers in total, to be controlled from the reception PC. The system identifies in real time which lockers are free and ensures that each guest can only use one locker at a time if space is at a premium. The system comes with alarm monitored burglary protection; a time adjustable, automatic opening function for cleaning or overnight security purposes; and other central admin options such as occupancy analysis. The electronic locking system is an alarm protected system. In case there is a break in attempt, the system is alarm protected and provides an alarm message at the front desk. Integration with the site´s point of sales software allows Sandcastle Waterpark to charge a refundable deposit for the lockers via their existing system. If visitors forget their locker number or amount of money available on their wristband, Gantner Information Terminals can display account balances or used-locker numbers.

In addition, GANTNER supplied access control terminals for restricted areas such as the VIP Cabana and the Seabreeze Spa areas. Only guests who upgrade can access these areas, which helps the Sandcastle Waterpark increase secondary revenues and actively manage guests in various areas. Upon this successful installation and launch, further additions of the access control system were planned for the main reception area, which will automatically collect wristbands on exit.